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We also have library workshops and events.

View of laptop from above with two hands on keyboard
Install the new Check Tufts Libraries bookmark and get access to articles and books with one click! Once you install the bookmark, if you find an online article, chapter or ebook that’s asking you to pay to read it, just click on the bookmark and it will automatically check if you can access the…
Tisch library Photo contest.  Your photo could be featured on the Tisch library website!  3 Winners.  Deadline Jan 31, 23.  To submit
Tisch Library is pleased to announce our 2nd annual student website photo contest. Three winners of the contest will have their photo featured on our homepage behind the Jumbosearch box over the course of 2023. An ideal photo will capture the uniqueness of the Tufts campus while having a…
Runestone Academy logo with a large orange A over drawing of an open book
We are pleased to announce the first two projects funded by the Tisch Affordable Course Materials Awards for the 2022-2023 academic year. Congratulations to Steven Bell (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Mark Kachanov (Mechanical Engineering)! Professor Bell & Professor…
Birds-eye view of Tufts campus with Tisch Library in foreground and Goddard Chapel in background
Tisch Library is excited to announce the winners of the website photo contest. There were many excellent submissions, but three stood out from the rest: Harrison Gordon's (E25) "Tisch Roof Panorama" will be featured on the library website Spring 2022 Nicholas N. Dorian's (AG23) "My Garden of a…
Announcement of JumboSearch upgrade happening on January 12, 2022
On Jan. 12, 2022, JumboSearch will be upgraded to a new version. While this version may look similar to the old, Tufts Libraries Staff have thoroughly reviewed the new interface and have updated it to provide an even better user experience than before. There should be no interruptions to…