Ask Us

Email us

Ask us anything about library services, resources, or your research project. No question is too big or too small! Library staff will respond by email as soon as possible, usually within one business day. 

Connect with a librarian

Did you know that librarians can help you with everything from starting your research and finding data to publishing and making media?

Visit the Connect with a librarian page to get expert assistance at any point in your research process.

You can also book a 30-60 minute in-person or virtual appointment for in-depth research help using our Schedule a Consultation form. We’ll match you with someone who can help!

Call us

Call us at (617) 627-3347 during library hours.

Visit us

Stop by the Information and Circulation Desk in the Tisch Library lobby. Staff at the desk can either help or direct you to someone who can!

See the hours page for the open hours for all services, locations.

Share your feedback

We welcome any type of feedback, suggestions, or observations about the library or our website.

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