Media equipment circulation will pause on August 9th, 2024 and will resume at the beginning of the fall semester (September 3). This will allow staff the opportunity to do inventory, add new items to kits and thoroughly clean equipment before the start of the semester.
Our goal with the circulating media equipment service is to expand and enhance the technology patrons have access to for engaging in media production. We aim to meet the needs of a range of use cases, from recording an event to deep engagement in digital scholarship projects through focused workshops and courses.
There are two ways Tufts ID holders can check out media equipment: at the front circulation desk located on the second level of Tisch library, no reservation required, or by making a request in Jumbosearch.
Regardless of how you choose to get equipment, you need to sign the Media Equipment Policy form once per academic year. Requests made by patrons without a signed Media Equipment Policy form are not guaranteed.
Our policies in conjunction with staff training, support documents and workshops help to encourage proper usage and care for the equipment from patrons. This service is funded through a budget provided to the Tisch library. We have a very limited budget for the replacement of broken and stolen items. Loss, damage and theft of items in the equipment pool affects all patrons and compromises the sustainability of the service.
See our policies and sign a Media Equipment Policy form for the current Academic Year.
For onsite support, you can stop by the Digital Design Studio on the third floor, room 303. Staff offices are located in room 301 and Studio Assistants are available in room 303. For self-guided learning check out our online tutorials. You can also contact us at with additional questions or feedback.