This page describes a time-sensitive change to Tisch Library’s streaming video on reserves service; these changes will go into effect for the fall 2023 semester. We need to make this change in order to comply with common copyright practices at academic institutions.
What is changing
As of fall 2023, Tisch Library will cease digitizing DVDs and CDs to be hosted on Kaltura/MediaSpace in Canvas. For those films that we previously would have digitized from a DVD or CD and are not available for streaming, we will make a DVD or CD copy available on physical reserve in Tisch Library and post the information to the Reading List tool in Canvas.
What is not changing
There will be no change to films or other audio-visual works that we are able to license from vendors like Kanopy, Swank, or Alexander Street. We will continue to license what we can, and will post a link to a licensed copy of the streaming film to the Reading List tool in Canvas. Licensable streaming videos are being added all the time; in recent semesters we have been able to license more than half the requests we received for films.
To submit your list of required films, please email us at
Options for instructors
The impact of this change will vary across courses, instructors, and departments. In consultation with the academic deans and the registrar, we want to highlight a couple of options for instructors to consider.
Consider scheduling a weekly, optional recitation to your course prior to registration. This may be most helpful for courses with higher enrollments and/or that require one or more films to be screened a week. This will allow students to plan their time accordingly. Students who are not able to join the optional recitation will still be able to borrow the DVD on physical reserve in Tisch Library. Scheduled recitations will have a room confirmed prior to the start of the semester.
Use Reserve Tufts to book ad-hoc screening sessions throughout the semester as needed. This may be most helpful for courses that require fewer films to be screened and where there are only a few films available only as DVDs. Arrange to borrow the DVD from Tisch for a screening. Ad-hoc recitations booked through Reserve Tufts can only be confirmed after the add deadline, one week into the semester, and are subject to room availability.
Request Tisch Library purchase additional copies of the DVD. Upon request, we can purchase extra copies of the DVD (1 per 25 students) to put on physical reserve; email
Borrow the DVD from Tisch Library and screen it during class time.
Work with your liaison librarian to identify an alternative film that is available in a streaming license. Tips on searching JumboSearch to locate films in the collection.
Where to get help
In addition to a FAQ, you can connect with your liaison librarian or the Tisch Streaming Media team ( with questions.
Send comments or concerns to Assistant Director, Research & Learning, Martha Kelehan (