Books & ebooks

Finding books

To search for print or ebooks at Tisch Library, including a specific title, use the JumboSearch Box in the center of the Tisch Library homepage

  1. Enter keywords related to your topic or the book's title into the JumboSearch box.

    Search box in JumboSearch with example search term, "Retrofitting the built environment"


  2. You will likely see many kinds of materials in your results list. Selecting "Books" under "Resource Type" on the left side of the page will limit your results to books only.
    Limiting results to books only in JumboSearch
  3. Click on a title in the results list to see what version(s) of the book we have and where to locate them.
    Multiple versions of a book
  4. After clicking on the title, you can see in the example below that this book is available as a print book and as an ebook:
    print book and ebook listed in JumboSearch
  • To find a print book in the library, use the call number to find its location in the building. Most books in Tisch are located on Level 1 (one level down from the main entrance).
  • To access the ebook, click on the "Online access" link to be taken to the book. You will be asked to sign in using your Tufts ID/password if you are not connected to the Tufts_Secure network on campus.

Can't find the book you're looking for?

  • If you don't see your book in the results list, make sure the title is spelled correctly and that you've selected "Book" as the resource type. If you are getting too many results, add the author's last name to narrow your search.
  • If a book is checked out or unavailable through Tufts, we encourage you to place an Interlibrary Loan request to have it delivered from another library.
  • Recommend that Tisch purchase a copy of the book.

Leisure reading collection

Did you know that Tisch Library has a leisure reading collection with popular fiction and nonfiction titles? Find new arrivals on display on Level 2 in the hall on the way to the Tower Cafe! 

If you have a book suggestion for us, feel free to recommend that Tisch purchase a copy.