FAQ for Students

How many books can I check out at once?

Lots! You can have up to 200 books on your library account at one time. There is no separate limit on the number of books you can check out in one visit to the library.  For more information about borrowing, see Borrowing from the SMFA Library.

Can I get a list of all the books I’ve ever checked out? 

To protect your privacy, we don’t keep information about what you’ve checked out.  

  • To see a list of what is currently checked out to you, open JumboSearch and click Log In in the upper right, then choose My Loans from the dropdown menu that displays your name. 
  • If you would like to keep a list of the books you use, we recommend saving favorites to your account in JumboSearch by clicking the pin icon to the right of an item’s title, or using a citation software such as Zotero.
  • To find the titles of books you checked out in the past, you can try searching your email inbox for library notices sent from noreply-library@tufts.edu.

What if the library doesn’t have a book I want? 

There are a few options for getting books that aren’t held by the Tufts libraries. 

Can I borrow books from other libraries? 

Our Interlibrary Loan service enables Tufts students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials from libraries worldwide.  If you need an item that is not available at a Tufts library, you can submit a request through our interlibrary system, ILLiad. 

  • Log on to ILLiad with your Tufts username and password. 
  • Choose the type of request you’d like to place by clicking on the "New Request" from the top menu, and fill out the appropriate form. 
  • You can request to borrow books and video recordings, and request scans of book chapters and articles. 
  • You can place ILL requests through Libraries Worldwide, which allows you to search thousands of library catalogs at once. Libraries Worldwide, formally WorldCat, is a great resource when you aren’t sure exactly what you’re looking for, because it allows you to search for subjects, authors, and keywords.
    • When you find an item you’d like to request, click the title to open the record.
    • Click the blue Request Item through Interlibrary Loan button.
    • This prompts you to log in to ILLiad with your Tufts username and password.
    • You'll then see the ILLiad request form with the item information already filled out. Add any other details needed before submitting.
  • Email smfalill@tufts.edu if you have questions about ILL. 

Why does my account say I have a lost book? 

Books are marked as “lost” when they’re overdue by more than 28 days. Your account will also be charged a lost item replacement fee, which is $103 for most items. The fee will be cleared when the item is returned. If you have lost the item, you can provide a replacement copy instead of paying the fee. See Borrowing from the SMFA Library for more details.

How can I get research help? 

SMFA Library staff are available by email, phone and Zoom. We’re happy to help at all stages of research, assignments, and independent projects. Feel free to contact us whether you have specific questions or research needs, or just want to chat! 

Can I get help with writing a paper or artists’ statement? 

Writing support, including one-on-one writing consultations, is available through the Tufts Academic Resource Center. 

How can I find readings for my classes? 

  • You will find course reserves in Canvas. Log in and open your course, then click Reading Lists in the menu on the left.   
  • This list will include details about books your instructor has placed on reserve in the library, as well as links to any e-books, online readings, and streaming media for your course. 
  • Books with the location SMFA Library Desk Reserves are shelved behind our circulation desk, and books with the location SMFA Library Stacks Reserves are shelved in our regular stacks. Most reserve books have a loan period of 1 day, while some may be checked out for 4 hours, 3 days, or 7 days, depending on the instructor’s preference.  
  • For more information about Reading Lists, see our help page for students

Will the library scan something for me? 

If you need a chapter or article from a book or journal in our collection, request it through our Scan & Deliver service. 

  • If you already know the citation details, log on to ILLiad with your Tufts username and password. 
  • Choose either Article or Book Chapter from the "New Request" drop-down menu.
  • Fill out the form and submit your request. 
  • You can request scans from Tufts Libraries owned items through JumboSearch by looking up the item you need.
    • Click on the title to open the record, then click Request Scanned Chapter or Pages 
    • This prompts you to log in to ILLiad with your Tufts username and password. 
    • You'll then see the ILLiad request form with the item information already filled out. 
    • Add the details about what you need scanned, and submit the form. 
  • Note that due to copyright guidelines the library will not scan more than: 
    • Two chapters per book that amount to no more than 20% of the entire book. 
    • One article per journal issue that amounts to no more than 20% of the journal issue. 

Find more information about Scan & Deliver, or contact Séphora (email sephora.bergiste@tufts.edu). 

Does the library loan equipment? 

When the library is open, we lend out supplies such as scissors and staplers, as well as a small number of chargers, power strips, and extension cords. For other equipment needs on the Boston SMFA campus, see the SMFA Media Stockroom

Can I check out zines?

Yes! You can request and check out from our zine collections.

Can I check out something from special collections?

No, but you can make a viewing appointment with Darin Murphy (email darin.murphy@tufts.edu).

Can I display my art in the library? 

If you would like to use the library for an exhibition, meeting, or event, please read our exhibition policies and fill out our form to submit a proposal.

Does the library give away old books and magazines? 

We give away discarded books, magazines, newspapers, and miscellaneous items as part of the SMFA's sustainability efforts via the Carte Util. The Carte Util is located on the third floor of the A Building at the Boston SMFA campus. 

Can I donate a zine I made to the zine collection? 

Yes! We are happy to add zines by students to our collection. Note that all zines must be cataloged by library staff and there will be a delay before your zine is available on our shelf. To donate your work, please fill out our zine donation form.

How can I apply for a student worker job at the library? 

We are no longer accepting in-person paper applications. If you’re interested in applying, view our available positions on our student jobs page or Handshake, the Tufts' platform for student jobs, where you can see more information about the job and apply for it.

What paperwork do I need to bring to start my job?

You will complete an ePAF (electronic Personnel Action Form) with the hiring supervisor. Once that information has been entered into the system, you will receive an email from Human Resources (usually the next day) explaining the next steps you need to take. These will include completing additional paperwork in E-serve, and visiting Tufts Support Services (at 62 Talbot Ave) with proper identification to complete an I-9 form. 

For more information about this process, please visit Tufts Student Employment.

International students may be required to have more specific information when applying for a position.  If you have questions about requirements, please contact the International Office.