What we collect
The SMFA Library's Zine Collection showcases publications created by the SMFA community and beyond. Founded in 2009, our collection includes a wide range of printing methods, formats, aesthetics, and subject matter. We build our collection to be a source of research, learning, and inspiration, and a record of community work.
In this collection you’ll find printed materials made by artists, self-published or produced in collaboration with small independent publishers. Explore examples of photocopier and risograph printing, silkscreen, print-on-demand, drawing, collage, comics, photography, and more.
Accessing the collection
- Directions to the SMFA Library
- Zines are shelved in SMFA Library room B303 and are available whenever we are open
- If a class is meeting in B303, we encourage you to ask our circulation desk staff for help accessing zines
- Otherwise, feel free to browse the collection!
- Tufts library users can check out zines for 14 days at a time, and can request them through JumboSearch
Finding zines in JumboSearch
When using JumboSearch, you can filter your results to find zines.
- Search for a keyword, such as a topic or an artist’s name
- Find the Refine My Results heading on the left of the screen
- Scroll down to the Resource Type section
- You may need to click Show More to see all the resource types
- Click the Zines filter
- Note that this filter will only appear if we have zines related to your search
Unsure where to get started?
- Find zines about specific topics on our Zines by Subject guide
- Find more resources on our Zines and Alternative Publishing guide
Do you make zines or have suggestions?
- To sell us your work, email Carrie at carrie.salazar@tufts.edu
- Submit a donation through our online form
- Fill out our purchase recommendation form





Zines featured here:
- Froth by Keith Herzik
- Basic Art by Ronnie Nordac
- Artist’s Strategy by Ian Mackay
- My Fanny by Anonymous
- Life in Harmony by Jeffrey Cheung
- The Dream by Catya R. Bastien
- Deal with Roy by Franziska Brandt & Moritz Grünke
Map to the SMFA Library zine collection by Brittney Bourne