Zines at the SMFA Library

What we collect

The SMFA Library's Zine Collection showcases publications created by the SMFA community and beyond. Founded in 2009, our collection includes a wide range of printing methods, formats, aesthetics, and subject matter. We build our collection to be a source of research, learning, and inspiration, and a record of community work.

In this collection you’ll find printed materials made by artists, self-published or produced in collaboration with small independent publishers. Explore examples of photocopier and risograph printing, silkscreen, print-on-demand, drawing, collage, comics, photography, and more.

Accessing the collection

  • Directions to the SMFA Library
  • Zines are shelved in SMFA Library room B303 and are available whenever we are open
    • If a class is meeting in B303, we encourage you to ask our circulation desk staff for help accessing zines
    • Otherwise, feel free to browse the collection!
  • Tufts library users can check out zines for 14 days at a time, and can request them through JumboSearch

Finding zines in JumboSearch

When using JumboSearch, you can filter your results to find zines.

  • Search for a keyword, such as a topic or an artist’s name
  • Find the Refine My Results heading on the left of the screen
  • Scroll down to the Resource Type section
    • You may need to click Show More to see all the resource types
  • Click the Zines filter
    • Note that this filter will only appear if we have zines related to your search

Unsure where to get started?

Do you make zines or have suggestions?

Multiple, opened zines in a pile
Two zines open
8 zines arranged in a semi circle, covers face up
A hand-drawn map with directions to the SMFA Library zine collection
A row of bookshelves full of zines

Zines featured here:

Map to the SMFA Library zine collection by Brittney Bourne