This booklist documents books that were made available during the Learn this fast: Intro to Photography workshop. These books were shared during the workshop and are recommended reading for those interested in learning more photography.

"Photo No-Nos features ideas, stories, and anecdotes from many of the world’s most talented photographers and photography professionals, along with an encyclopedic list of more than a thousand taboo subjects compiled from and with pictures by contributors. Not a strict guide, but a series of meditations on “bad” pictures, Photo No-Nos covers a wide range of topics, from sunsets and roses to issues of colonialism, stereotypes, and social responsibility. " - from the publisher

"This international bestseller provides photographers with a comprehensive theory of the nature and principles of light to allow individual photographers to use lighting to express their own creativity." - from the publisher

"This thorough, concise, and easy-to-use guide to capturing digital photographs provides an entire step-by-step course for budding digital photographers." - provided by publisher

"Almost two centuries after photographic technology was first invented, the art world has fully embraced it as a legitimate medium, equal in status to painting and sculpture. The Photograph as Contemporary Art introduces the extraordinary range of contemporary art photography, from portraits of intimate life to highly staged directorial spectacles." - from amazon.com

"Aperture Foundation works with the world’s top photographers to distill their creative approaches to, teachings on, and insights into photography―offering the workshop experience in a book. Our goal is to inspire photographers at all levels who wish to improve their work, as well as readers interested in deepening their understanding of the art of photography. "- from amazon.com

"Novices and experts alike will gain a deeper understanding of great photographers and their work, as Jeffrey decodes key images and provides essential biographical and historical background. ' - from amazon.com

"Focusing on the relationship between text and the photographic image, the exhibition América Latina 1960-2013 reveals the extraordinary diversity of photographic practices employed by numerous Latin American artists over the past fifty years, a period marked by great political, economic, and social instability. " - page 4, cover

"Focusing on the presence of the photographer's gaze as an integral part of constructing meaningful images, Roswell Angier combines theory and practice, to provide you with the technical advice and inspiration you need to develop your skills in portrait photography."- from amazon.com

"In 2007, the triennial featured photographic works from Central America where issues of identity and homeland are especially relevant. Following centuries of colonial domination, the inhabitants of Central America must now address issues of identity in the face of the overwhelming economic and cultural influence exerted by its powerful neighbour, the United States." - exhibition program

"In this book, Larry Fink, well-known for his layered pictures in social settings, explores composing photographs and improvising within a scene to create images with both feeling and meaning. Through words and photographs, he reveals insight into his own practice and discusses a wide range of creative issues, from connecting with the subject in front of the lens to shaping a vision that is authentic."- provided by the publisher

"In Between Cultures, Grillo explores the struggles immigrant children face as they develop their cultural identity in an environment completely new and foreign to them." - from amazon.com

"In the fourth installment of The Photography Workshop Series, Mary Ellen Mark (1940-2015)—well known for the emotional power of her pictures, be they of people or animals—offers her insight on observing the world and capturing dramatic moments that reveal more than the reality at hand. " - from the publisher

"Van Empel has developed a unique working method within digital photography. The images he compiles display a paradisiacal world that has never existed in the form shown. This world is populated by children and dreamy adolescents as a personification of innocence, which is one of the most important themes of Van Empel s work. But innocence is always vulnerable, and the longing for paradise is an all-too-human illusion that will be disturbed sooner or later. From hundreds of fragments adopted from digital photos, Van Empel compiles new images that seem very life-like and realistic, but also conjure up a world that has never existed"--Publisher's description.

"The World atlas of street photography focuses on the abundance of photos created on street corners internationally, including classic documentary street photography as well as mediated images of urban landscapes, staged performances, and sculpture." - from the publisher