Call numbers

About call numbers

A call number is a combination of letters and numbers that is assigned to each circulating print book in Tisch Library using the Library of Congress Classification. You can find a book's call number on a label on its spine or in its record in JumboSearch. It tells you the book's subject and precise location in the "Book Stacks" (designated shelving). 

Using call numbers to find a book in Tisch Library

  1. If you don't know the call number, use JumboSearch to look up the book by title or keyword.
  2. If Tisch Library has a print copy of the book located in the library, you will see several pieces of information that let you know where to find the book.​​​​ (pictured below):
    Details for locating a print book found via JumboSearch
  • "Available at Tisch Library" - means that the book is currently available to be checked out of the library.
  • Book Stacks - tells you where in the library the book is located. Most of our materials can be found in the Tisch "Book Stacks," located on Level 1 of the library.
  • The call number, in this case, HD733 .A3 R445 2013, is the book's "address" on the shelf. All of our books are arranged alphanumerically, according to their call number.