RIPM Online Archive

RIPM publications offer access online for the first time to extensive collections of more than 550 rare, primary source music periodicals dating from the Early Romantic to the Modern Period in Europe and the Americas. Over 450 periodicals (more than 1.55 million pages) are full text complete runs that can be searched or browsed by issue, and articles viewed in context of each issue.Collectively this unique archive offers both an almost daily chronicle of musical activities extending over a period of more than 200 years (1760-1966), and immense possibilities for original research. RIPM’s collections are not available in any library or online resource. New titles are added regularly.
Alt title

Retrospective index to music periodicals with full text


RIPM online

Répertoire international de la presse musicale

International inventory of the musical press

Internationales Repertorium der Musikzeitungen