Shadow Mirror

Fri, Feb 23rd 2024 - Mon, Jun 03rd 2024
Tower Gallery (hallway leading to the Tower Cafe)

Shadow Mirror, 2024

Servos, wood and aluminum

Gabe Moussa and Greg Osha, Mechanical Engineering '24

Shadow Mirror is composed of 576 motors that recreate the viewer's image with shadows in a 24 x 24 resolution display. Despite numerous reductions into only a silhouette (and at a lower resolution) viewers can still see the movement in their own form. Believing in the value of engineering and play, Gabe and Greg are drawn to the value of creation and engagement. By interacting with the mirror, the viewer is both participating in the creation of the display and seeing themselves reflected in the work.

Gabe and Greg wish to thank the Tufts Robotics Club for their financial support, the Nolop Makerspace for providing the workspace and tools, and all their friends for the invaluable assistance provided during the assembly of Shadow Mirror.

shadow mirror artwork


Curated by

Gabe Moussa and Greg Osha