Medford and Somerville teachers

Active teachers in the Medford or Somerville School Districts may register for a library account. This allows you to borrow physical books, scores, CDs, and DVDs but does not grant access to databases, interlibrary loan, or equipment.

Registering as a Medford or Somerville teacher

Please bring a letter requesting library privileges to the Information and Circulation Desk at Tisch Library. The letter must be on your school's letterhead and signed by your principal. Your account will be valid for one year. 

Borrowing materials

As a teacher in Medford or Somerville, you can borrow books and scores for 28 days, with renewals up to 3 months. DVDs, and CDs can be borrowed for 14 days, with renewals up to 1 month.

Interlibrary loan and database access

Unfortunately, Medford or Somerville teachers cannot use our interlibrary loan service. Please check with your local public library for interlibrary loan services.

Teacher accounts do not include off-campus access to subscription content and databases. However, you may be able to access this content on-site from a library computer, depending on the licensing agreement we have with specific providers. Please ask at the Information and Circulation Desk if you have any questions.