Film & streaming video

Finding films

Both Tisch and SMFA libraries provide access to DVDs and streaming films.

The SMFA Library's browsable DVD collection includes art documentaries, experimental film and animation, and classic feature films. 

To locate films in our collections:

  1. Use JumboSearch to look up the title, director, or starring actor(s) of the film.
  2. You can limit your JumboSearch results to Video Recordings using the "Resource Type" filter on the left side of the results list (if there are a lot of results, you may have to select Show More to see the Video Recordings option). 
  3. You can also browse our physical DVD collections in person on the Main Floor (Level 2) of Tisch Library, and at the SMFA library.

Streaming video

The libraries provide access to a variety of streaming film and videos through several platforms. These platforms often include videos on a wide range of topics, and you can search for specific films or browse subject- or genre-based collections of both documentaries and feature films. We encourage you to explore the major platforms available through Tisch Library, which include:

Please note you might need to connect to the VPN to access streaming media off-campus.

Using film in class

Faculty and instructors can place streaming film and DVDs from the libraries on Course Reserves via the Canvas Reading List tool

If you want to use a film that we don't currently own, we will try to license a streaming version. If a licensed streaming version is not available, we will try to make a DVD copy available on physical reserve at the library instead.  

For films not currently owned by the library, please submit Course Reserve requests through our streaming media request form, or by sending an email to our Streaming Media team directly.

Please see our Streaming media introduction and FAQs for courses for more information about using film in your course, and reach out to us with any questions at

Screening films for student events

Most films, including those available from the libraries' collections and streaming services, are intended for personal or educational use only and require public performance rights to be screened at public events. For detailed guidelines and information about screening films for student events, please see the Office of Campus Life's Film Screening Guidelines for Student Events.

If you can't find the film you're looking for